COMPLETED!! 5/07/01, Updated 6/16/01

"It seems that those who are called the children of the nite, are usually those who are often thought of as evil and uncaring souls. when in actuallity, they do have lives, maybe not as we normal mortals prevail life, but they do have something that we can and never will understand, a hunger that is everlasting; not being able to be quenched by normal means. Mortals feel the urge to always slay these beings, that they are evil incarnate. It matters not to them how they do it, or what for the reason, just that they must destroy these beings cause they live and thrive on the blood of others. Its not the choice of many of these that end up in the state they are in, for these children of the nite... vampyres as you can translate, are usually the ones of ill fate and misfortune. They have lost that which we have taken for granted, humanity."

They walk the night, searching for food to quench their hunger and thirst. But can anyone truly say they know how one feels. No, no one can. Only the vampire itself can asses that perspective. They do have feelings, sensations as you could say. They may have ice cold blood and unbeating hearts, but that does not mean they still do not have some stread of feelings towards others of their kind. Yes, they have anger and hate, especially among other clans. But they also have desires that burn even hotter than the mortals desires ever could. Passion and pain wrapped into one, the burning of a single caresse of ones hand can leave such sensations upon the other, almost as if burning into the others body. Stirring emotions so strong and more powerful than anyone can possibly think of."

"The sensations that one can bring to the other is not only enticing, but pleasurable as well. When vampyres make love and feed from eachother, they must be careful of the outcomes. While it is true that they can never have children of their own like mortals can, if a vampyre should feed one to many times from their love, it can prove disasterous for the one who is caught in it. A vampyre can feed no more than two times without causing harm to themselves.. but upon the third feeding, that vampyre becomes the others 'slave' persay. That vampyre, whether male or female, will do anything to protect the other, do as the other wishes as if upon command. Never second guessing the one it loves and wants. Yes, it can be a blessing, but more of a curse for the one this falls onto."

"As mortals walk this realm, only for no more than a half a century.. if they are lucky, a vampire must be in this realm for all eternity, never being able to die, unless striken down by a slayer.. to forever linger in the shadows of the night that sooths it and brings it peace within its tortured and tormented soul... or what soul it does have left. They can walk amongst us, always being close to us, and us mortals, not even knowing that they are so near to us. They can sense our fears, hear our heartbeats and pulsing blood that runs thru our veins. Tho they only come out at night, for the light they fear and stray away from. Light is one of their more deadly enemies, it strikes them harshly, forcing them to flea from sight of it, to run to the shadows and hide till the night re-emerges. But a vampire who is caught in the open during daylight.. faces a rather ill fate. One that which shall never survive. Upon coming in contact with the ill fated light of day, the vampires skin starts to smoke, to come a painful burning sensation that creeps along its entire body, after a moment, the skin blisters, bursting open as blood starts to trickle from the open wounds and sores, the pale flesh melting around the thin arms and angular face of the vampire. Most vampires within moments of this horrid fate melt to nothingness within moments... if not burn and dissolved to nothing but ashes."

" Many a mortal seek to escape their painful, and petty lives, thinking that death is the only way possible at time to accomplish this fate. Trust me, it is not. If you think that death is a kind and forgiving soul, you are wrong. Sure death is a way out of the pains of life, but ask any of the kindred and they shall tell you many a different tales. One tale stands out amongst all others, one of a rather enchanting young girl, her life struck short by one that was her captive, and yet her beauty stunned this one kindred to the point of wanting her totally for her own. in the end, or as far as the history has been re-counted so far to this day, as a certain mortal still writes on her life, and also of her undead life.... she had such passion, and fire inside her that would ignite even the most calmest of kindred. Yet, there were those who would not trust her even with their undead lives. For within these walls you see around us, and the lands that surround this country, tis where her story and life began, and ended. Let me recount it not to you, for maybe this story shall give you a insight as to what a taste of being kindred is really like, to let you feel, sense, and relive what she went thru. Enter thru yon doors to the dungeon's down below us, for that is where the story shall be told."


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